🍺 Top-down Brew: Mash Efficiency - Advanced

Wort specific gravity
Wort volume (gallons or liters)

lb/kg of
lb/kg of
lb/kg of
lg/kg of
lb/kg of
lb/kg of
lb/kg of
lb/kg of
lb/kg of
lb/kg of
lb/kg of

Input units:
US (gallons, pounds) Metric (liters, kilograms)

Results *** Waiting for results ***


This calculator calculates mash efficiency for complex grain bills that include specialty malts. Malt extract and sugar are calculated separately at 100% efficiency. The mash efficiency then is calculated from the wort not containing malt extract and sugar.

Mash efficiency % = ((Obtained gravity points - Sugar and malt extract points) / Malt theoretical gravity points) * 100

The components of the grain bill are also expressed as percentages by weight and percentages by theoretical gravity points.

The metric units option converts liters and kilograms to gallons and pounds, then proceeds with the gravity point calculations. This approach is simple, but crude. The metric conceptual equivalent of these efficiency calculations is based upon hot water extract expressed as liter degrees per kilogram. For examples, sucrose has 384 L°/kg and pilsner malt with 80% yield is 309 L°/kg. For further details, see Palmer (2001, p. 149).


Palmer, J. (2001). How to Brew. Second edition. Defenestrative Publishing Co.

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