🍺 Top-down Brew: Hoegaarden Clone

Enter the recipe data

Suggestions for converting this recipe to a malt extract form:

For a version with more oats and no aromatic malt, replace the m: lines with the following:

m: Pilsner malt, 39.5, 1.5, 80
m: Malted wheat, 40.6, 2, 83
m: Flaked wheat, 10.4, 2, 78
m: Flaked oats, 9.5, 1, 72
Target volume

Enter the desired volume at the end of the boil. The volume units can be either liters, gallons, or US barrels.

Measurement Units

Select the preferred unit of measurement for the inputs and outputs. Metric uses liters, grams, and kilograms. US uses gallons, ounces, and pounds. US Barrels (31 gallons = 1 barrel) is in barrels, pounds, and ounces.

Mash Efficiency

Enter the anticipated mash efficiency percentage. If this is not known, try the following values based on the sparge method: Steeping (50%), No-sparge or brew-in-a-bag (65 to 75%), Batch sparge (80%), or Continuous (fly) sparge (85 to 90%).

← Click here when the data entry is done.


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This recipe is a mash-up of two clone recipes. The grain bill is from Beer Captured, p. 53. The "all-grain method" grain bill was revised based upon the critical helpful hint: "The brewery uses 50% flaked wheat in Hoegaarden White." The OG, hops, and spices were based upon a Brew Your Own recipe.

If flaked wheat is not available, other forms of wheat could be used. Unmalted wheat is preferred over malted wheat. The use wheat forms other than flaked wheat is more demanding because it can be a gummy mash. Non-flaked wheat may require a protein rest, cereal mash, rice hulls, or other strategies to prevent stuck mashes.

The extract version of using wheat malt extract won't turn out exactly the same as the all-grain recipe. The reason why is that most wheat malt extracts are based on malted wheat rather than unmalted wheat. This is the trade-off of choosing the convenience and simplicity of extract brewing over an exact duplication.

The recommended yeast strains are specifically for the Belgian witbier style: Wyeast 3944, White Labs WLP400, or Mangrove Jack M21.


Hoegaarden Original White Ale Clone (2000, November). Brew Your Own

Szamatulski, T. & Szamatulski, M. (2001). Beer Captured: Homebrew Recipes for 150 World-Class Beers. Maltose Press, p. 53

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